by Mandy Cho September 10, 2016
Have you ever tried waking up to the scent of coffee brewing in the kitchen? That sounds a bit freaky if you're living alone but really, there's something about smelling coffee first thing in the morning. The sweet aroma of coffee seems like a pleasant way to wake up from a dream, transition to reality, and slowly prepare for the day's activities. It's no wonder that most people prefer treating themselves to a warm cup of coffee before eating breakfast. It kind of prepares their stomach, in a way.
If you've tried walking around malls or business districts in the morning, you'll notice that coffee shops fill up easily. Some spend their breakfasts there, some choose to continue their work/study there, while some organize meetings with their employees or colleagues since the ambiance and rich coffee aroma contributes so much to their productivity. There are also people who prefer to have their coffee in the afternoon, while mulling over magazines and eating pastry. Evening coffee drinkers take it as a unique way of ending their day, which also explains why coffee shops are full up until the wee hours of morning. Those who can't squeeze in a few minutes often find themselves wishing for some coffee delivery, but since that's a long shot, some coffee equipment in the kitchen would suffice.
That's where Home of Coffee comes in.
Online Coffee Shop:
A one stop shop that is loaded with items for people who love all things coffee – that's what Home of Coffee is about. Daily or weekly trips to the coffee shop are considered as a luxury for people with busy schedules and it's only fitting that they treat themselves to tools and gadgets that will help them whip up their own coffee at home. No worries if you have zero coffee making skills; the Internet is rich with tutorials and recipes on how to make coffee so that part of the equation is settled.
Home of Coffee offers fine teas, fresh roast coffee, organic coffee, decaf coffee, flavored coffee, espresso and other coffee blends to coffee enthusiasts nationwide. They also sell wholesale coffee, espresso cleaners, coffee accessories and utensils. These tools are handy for those who want to save some money and explore the art of coffee making at home. Drinking coffee is one thing, whipping up your own cup of warm and delicious coffee is another thing, and it's always good to know coffee from different perspectives.
If you are one of those people who prefer tea over coffee, that's fine as well because Home of Coffee offers a vast array of tea flavors to choose from. For people who want a little bit of adventure, Home of Coffee offers tea powder that you can experiment with to create your own tea blend. Home of Coffee offers endless possibilities with tea and coffee, you might as well open your own shop!
Be your own barista. Check out for more details!
by Mandy Cho October 06, 2016
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